How to use

Loading image stacks into Mulrecon can be performed according to the workflow in the following table by either specifying a folder (JPEG files only) or manually selecting files:

Step Specify folder Manually select files
1 Get the files for Mulrecon found here in zip format.
The contents of this zip file must be unpacked and placed in a dedicated application folder either on a local computer or uploaded to a webserver depending on whether files should be publically accessible.
2 On opening the file sprayMPR.html with an internet browser, the user is prompted to select either DICOM files or JPEG files.
3 Place a stack of JPEG images* in a single folder in the same folder as where the web application is placed. The images must be named axial followed by sequential numbering with or without leading zeros, i.e axial00001.jpg, axial00002.jpg, axial00003.jpg...axial00014.jpg etc. or axial1.jpg, axial2.jpg, axial3.jpg etc. JPEG files:
The user is prompted to input the following four parameters: DICOM tags of pixel spacing, slice thickness, spacing between slices, and stack plane (i.e. axial, coronal or sagittal).
4 The user is prompted to input the following six parameters: name of folder to load from, number of images and the DICOM tags of pixel spacing, slice thickness, spacing between slices, and stack plane (i.e. axial, coronal or sagittal). JPEG files:
Select the JPEG files of an image stack placed in a local folder.
DICOM files:
Select the DICOM files of an image stack placed in a local folder.
* Due to Webworker restrictions running Mulrecon with Specify folder from a local folder is currently only available with the Firefox, Edge, and Safari browsers.

Once either of these steps have been completed Mulrecon will present to the user a PACS-like interface.

Sample image stacks compressed in zip format can be found on the main page under List of cases.